Talking Tom and Friends - Mouse cursors
The series follows the daily life of Talking Tom and his friends. Tom and his nerdy business partner Ben are constantly developing mobile apps and other inventions to achieve fame and fortune and try to show themselves to the world, but this always backfires. Tom's girlfriend, Angela, tries to be a singer, no matter what she does to achieve it. Tom's neighbor, Ginger very often drops in here to play pranks with mischief up his sleeve. Stupid best friend and roommate Hank is a stay-at-home, watches VERY TV. And former dissident pop star Becca Sparkles has become Angela's new roommate and seems to have fallen in love with Hank. However, no matter how bad things are of all shapes and sizes, whether it's the evil CEO, Tom's mysterious new neighbor, or just an accident in Ben's new creation, the gang will have fun no matter what, and always remember one thing that keeps them together: friendship never ends, just like our love for the characters of the series does not end, so now you can set yourself the Talking Tom cursor or Ben cursor, or maybe Angela cursor, Oliver cursor!
List of cursors - Talking Tom and Friends